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Found 35155 results for any of the keywords with causes. Time 0.029 seconds.
Real Estate Donations to Charity | Real Estate with CausesDonate Real Estate through our 501(c)3 nonprofit Charity! Donate a House, Land, Farm, Residential, Investment or Commercial Property. Full Market Tax Deduction.
Computer Donation Tax Deduction FAQ | Computers with CausesComputer Donation Tax Deduction FAQ s for corporate and individual donors. Charitable contributions of technology receive a fair market value tax deduction.
Why Choose Computers with Causes? - About our 501c3 CharityYour computer donations help us to assist others receive a working computer. We receive 1000 s of requests per year and make every effort to help those in need.
Donate Stocks | Stock Donation | Gift SecuritiesStocks with Causes has set up a system for corporations and individual donors to donate stocks and securities to support a variety of important charitable causes.
Who We Help - Computers with Causes 501c3 Nonprofit CharityWe help students, teachers, parents, the elderly, foster homes, shelters, the disabled, USA veterans, other nonprofit organizations, and many other causes. 💑
Donate Tablet Computer | iPad Donations | Tax DeductibleDonate Tablet computers, Ipad, Surface Pro, Android tablet computers, 2-in-1 Tablets etc.. Receive a Current market value tax deduction - support worthy causes!
Donate Business Equipment and Electronics | Tax DeductibleDonate Business equipment - scanners, 3D printers, Security cameras, Routers, Phone systems etc.. Current market value tax deductible receipt. Worthy Causes!
Donate Servers - Rackmount - Network Equipment DonationsDonate Server, Rackmount Servers, Towers, Blade Servers, Network equipment and storage. Support worthy causes and receive a Current market value tax deduction.
USA Computer Donation Program | Choose State | Tax BenefitsComputer Donation, laptops, servers, tablet donations accepted Nationwide. United States charity here to help you donate a Computer 🖥️ Just choose your state.
Computer Donation Benefits 💻 Donate Computer EquipmentBusinesses and individuals can take advantage of some great benefits! Financial benefits of computer donation may outweigh the benefits of selling a computer.
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